Brave heart freedom
Brave heart freedom

  • Apart from battles, what strategies does Longshanks (the King of England) use to defeat the Scots?.
  • Describe William Wallace, his appearance and personality.
  • In 1997, the referendum to vote for the new Scottish Parliament was held on 11 September, the 700th anniversary of Wallace’s victory over the English at Stirling Bridge in 1297. However, Edward I had created a martyr who became the symbol of Scotland’s opposition to the English and has continued to be so.

    brave heart freedom

    His head was displayed on London Bridge as a warning to those who tried to oppose the English king. He was taken to London, tried and executed for treason in the barbaric way of being hung, drawn and quartered. The English king put a price on Wallace’s head and he was betrayed and captured in 1305. The only thing remaining was to capture Wallace who symbolised Scotland’s resistance. This resistance continued, now led by many of the nobles who previously had not supported Wallace.Įdward I invaded Scotland again in 1303 and conquered the Scots. Wallace escaped and though he had lost the battle, he had strengthened the Scots' resistance to the English. The English returned the following year and eventually defeated the Scots at Falkirk. However, many of the Scottish nobility did not support him. In 1297, Wallace and Andrew Murray, the leader of a rebellion in the north-east, joined their forces together and met and routed the English army at Stirling Bridge.Īfter driving the English out of Scotland, Wallace was knighted and appointed the Guardian of Scotland for the absent king, John Baliol, who was a prisoner in England. He attacked and killed the sheriff of Lanark, who had murdered Wallace’s wife. Wallace, according to the tales about him, seems to have started out as a guerrilla fighter or, from the English point of view, a terrorist. Edward I of England invaded Scotland in 1296 and demanded that the Scottish nobles recognize him as king.

    brave heart freedom

    The Scottish king, Alexander III, died in an accident in 1286, and his granddaughter in 1290, leaving no direct heir. He was probably the son of a minor landowner. There are many stories connected with him, but little is known for sure about his early life.

    brave heart freedom

    William Wallace lived from c.1270 to 1305. The film tells the story of Sir William Wallace and his fight against Edward I of England, for the freedom of Scotland. The film won 5 Academy Awards, including one for best picture and one for best director. Braveheart, from 1995, was directed by Mel Gibson, who also played the leading role.

    Brave heart freedom